That being said, I found myself with a little downtime, so I thought I'd share some cuteness "a la Paige" with you today!
I've noticed this big Art Journaling craze lately...It's even taken over my home!!!
A creative mind at work...
Lovely, no???
Although I still haven't been able to capture the total abandon of a child artist, I was able to create my very own little journal.
I LOVE painting with Glimmer Mist!!! Ah, Glimmer Mist... A true addiction! Although, instead of finding myself wanting EVERY color, I just want a few favorites. FIFTEEN BOTTLES EACH!!! That way, I CANNOT run out! Ah, Glimmer Mist...
Now onto the inside!!!
Pretty Prima Paintables... well as some blank pages!!! I'll share more of my little journal as the book fill up :)
Thanks for stopping by!!!